Movies like Ana (2020)

Ana (2020)
Duration: 105min
Country: US
Original Language: en
Director: Charles McDougall
Plot: Murray, the owner of a bankrupt bookstore, is compelled to shut down the family company. Dr. Parker, his dermatologist, would spend $1,000 to have a threesome with her friend Selima because she dreams of being a threesome. Murray then suggests that they launch a male prostitution enterprise with Fioravante as their buddy and that Murray serve as the pimp. Nevertheless, Fioravante and Avigal, a Hasidic Jewish lady and rabbi's widow, fell in love after meeting. However, Dovi, a Jewish neighborhood watchman, has feelings for Avigal as well and might cause problems for Fioravante and Murray.
Cast: Dafne Keen, Andy García, Luna Lauren Velez, Ramón Franco, Aris Mejias
Keywords: friendship, road trip, journey
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The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987)
Release Date: 1987-08-22
Duration: 96min
Country: US
Cast: Anthony Newley, Mackenzie Astin, Katie Barberi, Phil Fondacaro, Debbie Lee Carrington
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Release Date: 2018-04-27
Duration: 149min
Country: US
Plot: The world has been shielded from major threats by the Avengers and their allies. But a new evil villain, Thanos, enters from space. His goal is to obtain six magic stones so that he might alter the cosmos with them. He is an extremely strong, malevolent leader. There is risk to the Earth and everything else. The Avengers' greatest battle to date is this one.
Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Josh Brolin, Mark Ruffalo